Cold Bitch

09 March 2023

My right hand holding an Eckerd Drugs digital thermometer which reads 100.1 degrees.

I woke up around 2 a.m. this morning freezing. And congested. And, overall, miserable. So, I dragged myself out of bed and took my temperature. 100.1°. I lumbered out to the couch, piled up some blankets, and slept there, in fits and starts of one-hour naps, for the rest of the night, and most of the day. 

Why am I telling you all this? Because I have a cold. And I’m just not up for writing that much tonight. Especially because I had to rework a job interview presentation in the few waking hours I did have today for a video call tomorrow. But I didn’t want to leave y’all without a regularly scheduled post. So, here it is. In all it’s glorious brevity. 

A couple of final notes before I look for another Star Trek: Next Generation marathon on BBC America and try to head back to dreamland: No, I don’t have COVID (thank the gawds!). Yes, I am relieved I finally found a use for that problematic Soundgarden song title I had no idea how I was going to incorporate into these. And yes, it is pouring here in San Francisco. Now, to find some more tissues.

See you tomorrow?

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Author  Stephen Fox
Tags  Health