Kingdom of Come

17 March 2023

A waffle bowl filled with a scoop of coffee ice cream covered in hot fudge, whipped cream, peanuts and a cherry sits on the counter of an ice cream shop.

When I thought about writing tonight’s post earlier today, I had a couple of ideas. Almost too many ideas. There’s the half-finished content design-related notion about where to put settings which don’t fit into obvious labels. Then, there was the one about that recently unearthed band I found in the used section at Amoeba which is right up my alley and a complete mystery about how I missed them. Another is the rant about consequences and who we, as a society, extend forgiveness and second (and third and fourth) chances to. Still another was the tension between our ability to use ingenuity to solve problems but not the incentives to bring about real changes which aren’t tied to someone’s profits.

They are all worthy of further exploration here, I think. But they take time and consideration, if I want to do any of them justice. And I do. I know that I wouldn’t be satisfied if I didn’t do my best to explore any and all of those. And that pressure I put on myself, which I talked a little bit about last night, means that I’d look back at a lackluster post and regret having done it at all. Even as I sit here now, I am lamenting the fact that I forgot to include one of the points I wanted to make in the post about naming and identity

So, instead of trying to struggle though trying to craft one of the posts I mentioned, we went out for ice cream. And I think it was a much, much better use of my time tonight, whether we were wearing green or not. My hope for you this weekend is that you don’t have to struggle as much as I do when trying to decide between a weighty task you’ve assigned to yourself, or a waffle bowl filled with a scoop of coffee ice cream covered in hot fudge, whipped cream, peanuts and a cherry (that your daughter will definitely steal from you, so you should probably get two). 

See you tomorrow?

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Author  Stephen Fox